Liverpool – OM : fans words!

After an exciting beginning and a victory for his come-back in Champion’s League, l’OM felt down again during his match in Bourgogne. After this new defeat, Pape Diouf decided to fire the coach, Albert Emon. To change the coach during the season is never a good thing, especially when you have to prepare a dangerous […]

After an exciting beginning and a victory for his come-back in Champion’s League, l’OM felt down again during his match in Bourgogne. After this new defeat, Pape Diouf decided to fire the coach, Albert Emon. To change the coach during the season is never a good thing, especially when you have to prepare a dangerous trip to Andfield to play the European finalist… However, the new Marseille’s coach has a great experience that his precursor didn’t had… Eric Gerets will have to find accurate words to remotivate the players, who have lost their confidence for several weeks, in order to have the hope of a positive result. The draw would be a good thing. For his last match in Andfield, the Didier Drogba’s teammates managed to win the draw point (1-1) with a goal of Drogba, before defeating Liverpool’s players for the second match (2-1). It was the last european story which was ended against Rafa Benitez’ Valencia team, now in Liverpool… We hope that with the help of two ex-Reds, Cissé and Zenden, the Marseilles’ players will hang-on the same results than the last time !

The big game !
Maybe the most renowned and exciting game of the season ! In a amazing and incredible atmosphere against a beautiful team and great fans we should take example on the fighting spirit and try to show our technical qualities ! As usual our major asset gonna be out of the field on the stand ! With our support and with the importance of the events the team should make us forgive the last games ! Even if they are playing bad they should keep walking on because they will never ever be alone. In Djibril we trust. Come on guys we are with you, we can do something there ! You have the talent, show us your heart !

Liverpool. Even if I’ve never been a fan of this team, this name sounds special when you start talking football. From the huge amount of titles won to the extremism of its fans in the past, this club has never and will never walk alone. For our team and our players, having to play a game on wednesday on this field is also special, and not only because it’s Liverpool. After this really bad start in our championship and our coach now fired, a new hope has come and this hope has to be fulfilled quickly. It starts with a good game at Anfield by trying to produce some good football against one of the supposed best team this year in the Champion’s League, but also to get a good result. It seems impossible regarding our results so far, but « l’OM » is so special that no one knows what can happen, especially in europan cups. Thus I will prognosticate an optimistic 1-1, goals from Torres and…. Cisse, in memories !

Good match to everyone and allez l’OM.

This is the second match of Champion’s League for our team, and it’s the strongest match. But we know that we can’t dream about a win, maybe with the new coach the aim is to take one point in your stadium. In 2004 we realized this performance but Drogba was in our team. However we don’t come in Liverpool to take a defeat even if Samir Nasri couldn’t play this match. Good match, but good luck is not necessary for you, the chance has to be with us.

Miss Ravanelli
Hello my friends!
I hope you are not too much scared by the visit of the terrible OM in Anfield ? Ok I stop joking, you are favourite and you know it, but what you ignore is that in Marseilles we have another currency which says : with OM nothing impossible. I believe in it, of course on the paper your team is better but we all know that the truth is on the pitch. And I think that our players, in particular Cissé and Bolo will be transcended by the stake of the match. I see therefore a small win of OM 0-1 with a goal of Djib. To finish I hope that there will be a good friendship between our supporters, but you have to know that our voices will cover yours!

L’OM will have to prove to Europe that we did not die. The Marseillais, taken along by their new trainer Eric Gerets will have the heart to battle against a great team such as Liverpool. This meeting could finally launch our season. Everyone know that it will be very difficult in Anfield but the hope makes live. My forecast: 1-2

So, here we are again, back in Anfield road. It’s our crossroad. In memory of our matches in 2004/2005, we will have to show the reds that we are still alive, that we still have the fighting spirit and show them that football also exists elsewhere than in Anfield. We have a new coach at last, a real coach should I say. One thing is sure, he has put our holiday players back to work, and we should see some progress in the game. On top of that, we all know that Marseilles plays european games with 150% of their possibilities. Hopefully, we could have a nice surprise knowing that Liverpool is not at its best these days. Moreover, when you look at the name of the players, Gerrard, Torres etc, Liverpool has everything to beat us by outstanding score if nothing had changed in our place. But, somehow, I feel somekind of ambition floating round here. 1-2 with goals from Cissé and Cana. A little dream, I can’t help it, it’s the dreammaker Marseilles that I love, and it’s time to dream again !!!

Red and White Kop
Overseas Red
I don’t know much about Marseille except for (1) Cisse; (2) Zenden; and (3) that your owner bribed Valenciennes players to buy you the league in the early ’90s to make playing Milan in the European Cup Final easier.

I’m pretty confident that we’ll win both matches against Marseille, though Cisse’s pace could cause problems for Hyppia in the absence of Agger. But we’re usually so strong in Europe that we expect to win every match, home and away.

My cousin is a big Marseillais (I went with him to the Sochaux Cup final last year)and I’ve been watching your team all season. I think you’ve got major problems that Gerets can’t fix : i.e. the role of Anigo.

In the UK, the manager is responsible for th signings lives and dies by his decisions. A Marseille, the structure you have in place (With Anigo and Diouf above the manager) means that the manager’s role is undermined. That is why, in my opinion, you have struggled for years and you’ve had 19 managers since Goethals.

As for your team, your summer signings on paper seemed impressive but Zenden (I personally thought that Zendens was our worst player last season and contributed absolutely nothing positive every time he played) and Ziani were always gonna be the weak links. It just seems you depend too much on Nasri who seems at breaking point at the moment. Lack of form and strength of mind of other players (Givet, Niang, Cisse).

I think we will play an under strength side against you (Rested:Torres, Gerrard and Mascherano and Agger + Alonso injured) but your only chance will be if Carra gets injured and Cisse is through 1-1 with Hyypia. Even then he’ll need someone to play balls to him and with Nasri injured I don’t see who can do that.

I have a lot of respect for Marseille and their fans, who I consider to be the only true passionate fans in France. I don’t like the « pression negative » u put on your players though (the booing for example…) which rarely ever happens at Anfield (though it may creep in if we go 14 years without a trophy!).

Bonne chance and I hope we beat you 4-0 this game but you go through having beaten our kids 3-2 in the last game at the Velodrome!

I’m looking forward to seeing Djibril Cissé return to Anfield. Though he divided supporters and frustrated Benitez, I expect he’ll get a great reception, he part of some of the best moments in recent seasons. I’m looking forward to the game at the Velodrome and the atmosphere it can generate so I hope Anfield will be up to it’s best standards for this game. Last time Liverpool played Marseilles we were taken apart by Drogba, the first time I really knew of him. This time I think Liverpool have a much stronger squad and a better manager too. I haven’t seen much of Marseilles this season apart from the goals from the Champions league game, I believe they’ve been inconsistent so far, and guess they would miss Ribery. I know Marseilles finished last season playing very well, with Ribery, Pagis, Niang and Cisse all featuring. Having lost two of them, I think the result will probably be a convincing home win, 3-1. Torres looks too good to stop after he scored a hat-trick against Reading in the League Cup this week. Some advice: Don’t rough him up it only makes him score more!

I am really looking forward to our game against Marseilles as it is our first home European match this season. Our European nights have a particularly great atmosphere (with some people like myself only able to go to these matches) and I’m looking forward to the Marseilles fans making a noise like they did last time they came to Anfield.

Gee, Steevie
I am slightly worried that our brilliant defender Daniel Agger is out and our old boy Cisse might beat his replacement (Hyypia) for pace. However we now have Fernando Torres (who scored a hat-trick last night) and the ever brilliant Steven Gerrard as our captain so I will say a convincing 2-0 victory for Liverpool.

It’s great to see Marseilles back in the European Cup. Looking forward to the game, especially with some former Reds in Zenden & Cisse coming back to Anfield. Will be good to see who actually is the ‘new Zidane’!

Cisse never really fit in with what Rafa Benitez wanted from him, not surprising given he was signed by Houiller, only for Houiller to get the sack by the time Cisse finally arrived.

The game is quite important for us, especially given the poor performance in Porto, and we’ve had a bad run of draws recently. Also, Rafa has spoken of his desire for us to qualify from this group as soon as possible, so home wins are vital. Most fans want to concentrate on winning the league, so qualifying early will fit into this plan. Although I personally would be happy not to make it out this group if it meant we win every game in the league between now & November or December when the group stage ends.

Good luck.

I predict a 2-1 win for Liverpool. Goals to Torres, Crouch & ….Cisse!

Marseilles are coming to Liverpool and more importantly so are Cisse and Zenden. I fear the curse of the returning player more than anything else Marseilles can offer and Cisse will want to prove he was good enough for us (I thought he was but he did not really fit into Rafa’s vision of how the game should be played). I was really looking forward to seeing Nasri as I have heard great things about him but it seems he is injured/ill.

The match as any European night will be surrounded by the famous red atmosphere (best in the world; you knew that).

As an enthusiastic Liverpool fan I am finding myself returning to the belief I had in the team of the eighties – we are unbeatable. I still expect the odd setback like a draw against Porto but next week I expect us to win 2-0. The match should be relatively close but most matches are at this level.

Would wish you luck but that seems counter intuitive but good luck in securing second place and qualifying for knock out stages.

I think it’s sad when owners ruin prestigious clubs with great history, we can only hope that time will wash away your bleak years and you will once again grace the European Stage as Champions of France.

As for the games. I think at Anfield you will struggle to match our quality and tempo. We tend to start well in most European games, and i predict the fans will be up for a big night when Marseille bring Cisse and Zenden back, this will exacerbate the problem. If we get an early goal, i’d day we might run away with a 3-0 win, if we fail to score in the first half then we might end up only 1-0. I guess it comes down to how your team settles into the game on a big occasion like Anfield on a European night.

At Marseille, i see Rafa giving a few young kids a run out, and it wouldn’t surprise me if it was a close game 3-2 or something. I still think we might have little too much for you. But who knows hey, European games can throw up some interesting results.

Good luck and hope all your fans enjoy the trip to Anfield.

When I think of Olympique Marseille the first thought that comes to my head is their fantastic fans (the Ultras) the amount of money and effort that must go into creating such fantastic Choreography week in week out must be applauded..I have never looked out for OMs if I’m honest, but when the French leagues results are given out OM catch my eye because of Cisse & Zenden joining you but, to be honest, I don’t know much about OM except for their Ultras.

I think we will beat OM comfortably and I don’t think we have anything to fear from them especially at Anfield but I’m expecting a fantastic and colourfull atmosphere at the stade velodrome as it always is, it might well be a tight match but we have the strength in depth and should prove to much for OM in my opinion.

Looking forward to the match,looking forward to getting revenge for the Uefa Cup defeat in 2004.

Writen with Neo59